
Principal Messages

With the inauguration of DIPS POLYTEHCHNIC, DIPS chain of institutions have opened new frontiers & vistas in the field of technology. DIPS POLYTECH-NIC is providing best of knowledge, skills, creativity and nature their energy in such a way that they can withstand the razor edge competition & keep the flag of DIPS chain of instaurations high. DIPS polytechnic will be providing a platform for the students where from they can jump to hold the prize catch, that is their future. In this Endeavour my whole staff & stu-dents are and will work together in tandem so that united & cooperative work will definitely bear the fruits. DIPS POLYTECHNIC is making all out efforts to put the students in the national and international scene. I congratulate my staff who is at the fore front to ac-complish this endeavor

Dr. K.K.Handoo